Hi, I'm Ayah Sarhan

Programs Development Director and a Licensed Representative for GTI in Egypt.
Master Trainer & Facilitator P.E.T., Y.E.T., T.E.T., B.Y.B.

  • 01
    25+ years of experience
  • 02
    Enhanced relationships of thousands of parents & youth
  • 03
    Community Psychologist, MA & PHD candidate

I am a multi-passionate mother who strives to continuously grow and develop, and contribute back to my community with a dream to leave the world a better and peaceful place for my children. I started by coordinating and organising various international events in the field of international relations and Artificial Intelligence. The second stage of my career extended for almost 20 years where I worked with and in businesses, non-for-profit organisations, and learning communities. I analysed their internal and external environments for recommending and pursuing appropriate growth and development opportunities. This included various roles from research and financial modelling to sales and marketing, consultancy, program development, risk management, coaching, psychological support, and training. I always believed in the importance of continuous learning and development in empowering adults live a more fulfilled and productive life. And, the critical role of psychological mindedness and self-determination for motivating adults to do so. My self development journey enabled me to take the decision to take my love for learning to a higher level. I earned several post graduate degrees in Finance, Coaching & Leadership, Psychology, and Learning & Development. Working in academia as a researcher and academic tutor in various Higher Education institutions is the third stage of my career progression. I am a Certified Effectiveness Instructor from Gordon Training International, a Certified Executive Coach from Cambridge University, an Associate L&D consultant from CIPD, a Community Psychologist (M.A.), and currently a researcher and PhD prospective candidate in Leadership & Organisational Psychology. I am interested in the role of motivation and self efficacy across cultures on learning, high performance, and growth. I strive to contribute to my community of learners through my knowledge, experience, and skills in the hope to inspire them become their own unique best version. With such hope in my heart, I dream of a more loving and peaceful world where people work together collaboratively for the good of all humanity.

Co-Founded LifeCoach ERS (Effective Relationship Skills) in 2011, Ayah is a Licensed Representative in Egypt for Gordon Training International  and an Authorised Parent and Youth Effectiveness Training (PET and YET) Instructor by Gordon Training International (USA, California).

Ayah earned her accreditation in Coaching from Cambridge University (UK) and the Association of Coaching (AC). She also earned her Masters degree in Community Psychology from The American University in Cairo (AUC) to be able to apply best scientific practices to her community work with families. Ayah also earned her Post Graduate Diploma in Learning and Development from Chartered Institute of Personnel Development (CIPD UK).

Ayah seeks to continually learn and apply best practices from her affiliations in various communities of practice. She is a/n:
Affiliate Member of British Psychological Society (BPS)Member of American Psychological Association (APA)Member of Society for Community Research and Action (SCRA)Associate Member of CIPDAccredited Member in AC

Ayah co-founded 2 NGOs and is a Board Member in the Family Hub (Family Experts Network) and Mother & Child Friendly Care Association (MCFC); consulting UNICEF and Ministry of Social Solidarity in the development and delivery of a national parenting program across Egypt; and consulting UNICEF and Ministry of Health on preparing hospitals for becoming Baby Friendly under the Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative in Egypt.  She also served as a Consultant to NGOs such as Rheumatic Heart Disease Association and Wataneya Society for Orphans. She volunteers in coaching orphans and children with Rheumatic Heart Disease and cancer to build their emotional and social capabilities.

More background information about Ayah:
Ayah graduated with highest honors from the American University in Cairo (AUC) after earning her Bachelor degree in Business Administration with concentration in Finance and Economics. Then she worked in multinational organizations such as Unilever, Societe Generale, and HSBC Bank plc. for 15+ years.  A major part of her responsibilities was managing organizational changes, coaching team members, consulting clients, besides assessments and program development and delivery.

Turning Point in her story:
Eventually, she realized that real development starts by individuals understanding their capabilities, emotions and thoughts in order to lead a fulfilling life and satisfying relationships. Her motherhood experience was a major transformational point in her life.  
Relationship management is the golden thread that runs throughout her professional and personal life:

She believes that the early relationship between a mother and her baby is a major determinant for successful relationship management (similar to what is suggested by attachment theory). Hence, she advocates for breastfeeding as a catalyst for developing such secure and loving relationship.

She supports mothers mange this transition into motherhood without shame or guilt but with love, compassion, peace, and confidence. She also believes that fathers have an important role in supporting mothers and nurturing a secure and loving relationship with their baby.
Ayah beliefs in the power of conversations as the basis for any healthy relationship, and that it eventually leads to peace within each person and between people within any community. When one knows what needs to be communicated in a specific situation and to say it clearly, mutual understanding can be nourished and problems can be prevented, and even conflicts can be resolved.

She is the mother of two lovely young ladies, if you want to know more, check out her story as a parent.  She aims to help individuals maximize their performance and results, develop effective strategies to handle  challenging  transitional  life stages and roles, and to improve their relationships and influence.  The ultimate result would eventually contribute towards the development of a peaceful and sustainable productive community.

To contact her or read her contributions:
(Web) Contribution
(Book) The Relationship Manual at Home and Work
(LinkedIn) Connect
(YouTube) Ayah Sarhan

You can check out her articles on
Mother and Child Magazine
Join her free educational group on Facebook